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Kang dongwon 강동원 Korean actor

Kang dongwon 강동원 Korean actor


Name : Kang dongwon 강동원
Body detail : 186cm, 66kg
Birth : 18 Jan 1981
Debut : 'Noble her' TV series

About him

He is the ideal celeb who so many girls like. including 'Kim ahjung', 'Taeyeon', 'Seungyeon', 'Hyomin', 'Cristal', 'Sandra park', 'Nam jihyun', 'Boa'... so many girls choose him as a ideal celeb. and most special one is japanese manga author, 'higashimura Akiko'. she used to say she is huge fan of him. interesting thing is when she knew him. she was just eating food in restaurant, and seeing some picture on the wall. in middle of that, there were pictures of him. so she just looked for his information and pictures for her new manga character. but after 1 week, she was totally fall in him and went to korea to meet him. she drawed her real story of how she became huge fan of him.


Don't believe her - with Kim haneul

Temptation of wolves - with Lee chungah, jo hansun

Detective : Duelist - with Ha jiwon

Maundy Thursday - with Lee nayoung

A voice of murderer - with Seol kyeonggu, Kim namjoo

M - with Lee yeonhee

Woochi - with Lim soojung, Kim yunsuk

Secret reunion - with Song gangho

Haunters - with Gosoo

Kundo : age of the rampant - with Ha jungwoo

Something about 1% - with Kim junghwa
